historictheatrephotos.com is managed by mikehume.com, whose Privacy Policy applies to historictheatrephotos.com.

Privacy Policy

This website respects and is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy lets you know how your personal information is used by this website.

During your visit to this site your usage of the website is automatically recorded. The information cannot personally identify you. The information does include the IP address from which you connect to the internet. This data is used, in aggregate form, for statistical purposes only and is not disclosed to any third party.

This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file which resides on your computer’s hard drive and is used to enhance your visit to a website, for example providing a personalised set of pages upon subsequent visits to the website. A cookie cannot contain a virus. Cookies are only accessible by the website which wrote them. The following cookies are used on this website:

None of the cookies used by this website contain any personally-identifiable information, and no cookie data is shared with any third party at any time.

The above describes the extent of any personal information used by this website during your visit. Should you have privacy concerns please contact mikehume.com.

Last Modified: 10th January 2020.